Overview of Changes in SDAPS 1.1.0

This release brings a lot of new goodies. As a development release it may still be a bit rough in a few places, but everyone is invited to play with it and report any issues :-)

Important changes:

  • Support for duplex scanning of simplex questionnaires (issue #1)
  • Freeform fields can be manually replaced with text (issue #14)
  • Mark questions can now have an arbitrary checkbox count (issue #7)
  • Correctly pick new questionnaire IDs during stamp (issue #22)
  • Report paper size is now locale dependend (issue #9)
  • LaTeX: classes are now translatable using PO files
  • GUI: Widget based view of the questionnaire
  • LaTeX_ report: Allow the generated LaTeX to be stored

New and updated translations:

  • German