

SDAPS is a command line application. After building the C extension and documentation (and optionally installing it into the system) you can execute it.

  • Run sdaps if you installed it
  • Run ./ from the source directory otherwise.

With --help you can get a list of commands. To get more information about one of these commands run SDAPS with sdaps command --help.

Important Commands

Commands Explanation
setup or setup_tex Creates a new project directory for the given questionnaire
stamp Create printable PDF
add Adds scanned image data. From version 1.1.7 onwards SDAPS will automatically convert files to the appropriate format if the --convert option is given. Only use this option if the scan is not already in the appropriate format for SDAPS (monochrome multipage tiff). See also Scanning.
recognize Runs the optical mark recognition
reorder Group pages using their (unique) questionnaire ID. (ie. fix order after pages have been mixed up)
gui Starts a graphical user interface that can be used to correct errors in the automatic recognition.
report (and report_tex) Creates a report of the results as PDF.
csv Can be used to export the data to a CSV file.


Some commands can work only on a subset of the data (eg. report, csv export). With this it is possible to create a PDF report that is for example separated by the sex of the participant. These filters are python logic expressions.

For the logic expression, every choice question is exported as a list of checked boxes. The list of boxes is zero based and freeform fields are included. The mark type question is instead exported as a number between 0 and 5, where zero means “no answer”. As these are python expressions, you can simply combine them with and and or. It is allowed to combine such a filter with the --all-filters argument that the report script has.

Example filter:

  • 0 in _1_2: First checkbox of question 1.2 is checked (others of the same question may be checked too).
  • _1_2 == [0]: Only the first checkbox of question 1.2 is checked.
  • _2_1 == 1: Question 2.1 is a mark question, and the leftmost box has been checked.
  • _2_1 == 0: Question 2.1 is a mark question, and is not valid (no box, or multiple checked boxes).

Other variables that can be queried

  • survey_id: The survey ID (will always be the correct one)
  • questionnaire_id: The questionnaire ID if a barcode was found.
  • global_id: The global ID if a barcode was found.
  • valid: Whether the sheet is considered valid (ie. no fatal errors).
  • quality: The estimated quality of the recognition (a value between 0 and 1).
  • recognized: Whether recognition has been run for the sheet. (new since 1.1.1)
  • verified: Whether a verifier has acknowledged the sheet. (new since 1.1.1)
  • complete: Whether all pages are scanned and could be identified for the sheet. (new since 1.1.2)

Example call of the “report” command:

$ sdaps report some_project --filter "(0 in _1_2 or _2_1 == 1) and global_id=='some name'"

SDAPS Project Directory

SDAPS creates a project directory for every survey you create. This directory is used to store all the data that belongs to the survey. Some special files:

  • info: A file containing metadata, this may be modified directly.
  • survey: Data storage (pickled python objects)
  • *.tif: The scanned images that have been added to the project

It is also used as the default output directory for commands that create new files.


SDAPS is hard to install, is there any more documentation?

Unfortunately not. This is an area where contributions would be very much welcome!

Can the Survey ID (lower right barcode) be changed?

No. This ID identifies the questionnaire uniquely and it is reproducible (i.e. if you recreate the survey using setup or setup_tex it will be the same[1.]. If you really want to you can modify the load routine in model/

Is it possible to do custom layouts in LaTeX?

Of course it is, however you need to write out some metadata manually. That means using \immediate\write\sdapsoutfile{\unexpanded{STRING}}. Have a look at the generated .sdaps file and the LaTeX class. You’ll need to write out the questions and enough answers for the checkboxes.

There is a small example document with the resulting questionnaire and a document with the metadata that SDAPS detected overlayed.

Tip: You can visually check the assignment of checkboxes to answers/questions using the annotate command. Alternatively read the output of the setup_tex command.

SDAPS complains that poppler is not installed, but it is!

Poppler might be installed, but SDAPS needs the python bindings to use it. You need to install the GObject introspection data and python-gi bindings. On Debian based distributions these are in gir1.2-poppler-0.18 and python-gi.

Also, you only need this if you want to import PDF files (using add --convert or convert. SDAPS will still print the warning even if you do not use PDF.

Why is there no barcode on the first page?

By default SDAPS assumes duplex printing. The barcode is only printed on the back of each sheet of paper and used for both the front and back.

If you switch to simplex mode (--simplex for ODT and onside document class option in LaTeX) then SDAPS renders a barcode on every page.

Tip: SDAPS automatically detects the case where the questionnaire only has a single page and switches to simplex mode automatically!

Attention: If you use a simplex document then SDAPS needs to know how you scan it. By default SDAPS assumes a simplex scan! Scanning simplex is usually not a good idea because some pages will be flipped and missed that way. So if you can then always scan the document in duplex mode and pass the --duplex option to the add command!

Is it possible to put content inside a freeform textbox?

In theory yes[2.], the code below allows this by putting a tikz node into the center. The node has a text width of exactly the white area, and also a minimum height of this area. You can use the \textwidth and \textheight macros inside to query the size.

This is quite a hack, but it should work fine (just copy it into the header, and use the command directly after a \textbox).

  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]%
    \advance\textheight by -2pt
    \node[outer sep=1pt, inner sep=0pt, align=center, text width=\@sdaps@width-2pt, minimum height=\textheight, shift={($(\@sdaps@x,\@sdaps@y) + 0.5*(\@sdaps@width, -\@sdaps@height)$)}, anchor=center] at (current page.south west) {%

Use the macro to put content into the textbox:

\textbox*{6cm}{Some textbox}
\makenodeinlasttextbox{This will appear inside the textbox.}

Attention: If you use questionnaire IDs and would like to stamp multiple questionnaires at a time, then the above code does not work as is. We need to layer another hack around it. This is because the class tries to conserve memory and breaks the hack at the same time. We need to enable output again, which needs two steps unfortunately. A new command[3.]:


And then use this command to enable the output again. Best to put it all into braces, so that it will not be enabled for all the other boxes (especially all the checkboxes)

  \textbox*{6cm}{Some textbox}
  \makenodeinlasttextbox{This will appear inside the textbox.}


  1. The only exception is when e.g. a LaTeX package you use is upgraded and changes the layout. But that is the intended behavior as the questionnaire ‘‘‘has’’’ changed in that case.
  2. Actually, the next major release of SDAPS will natively support this. See Roadmap (LaTeX) and the linked resources for details
  3. This is required to as the parser cannot be reconfigured inside the questionnaire environment.

More documentation

Have a look at the links in the menu. Quite a lot is not yet documented. There are some notes about this in the following:

Stuff that should be described

The different configurations

“classic” Style

  • Maximum of 6 pages
  • Does not require a survey ID to be printed
  • Does not allow a “global ID”
  • Only allows 16 bit numbers for Questionnaire ID.

“code128” Style

  • Has a Global-ID that can be freely choosen
  • Questionnaire ID may contain ASCII (code128 Barcode)
  • Requires a Survey ID barcode (for page rotation and page number)

“qr” Style

  • Same as “code128” but uses a QR-Code with high redundancy for better reliability.

Additional Questions

SDAPS has the ability to add data from external sources. This can be useful if only a few extra data points are coming from an external source (eg. a webpage). A small step by step howto of how these can be used would be good.

Same survey, many classes

It often happens that the same questionnaire is used multiple times, and the results need to be separated in the end. SDAPS doesn’t have perfect handling for this, and there are different ways to do it:

  • Use Global ID. This works by using one project, then changing the global ID multiple times and printing different questionnaires. After everything is recognized one can reports by filtering according to the global ID.
  • Use the same questionnaire and separate project.

To modify the text on the report the “info” file can be modified or the “info” command can be used.

Survey ID generation

How it is generated (md5 sum of: checkbox position, paper size, …).


  • Add data (maybe using --force if pages are missing)
  • Run recognition using --identify (fast method that only reads the codes)
  • Run reorder command.
  • Run recognize normally
  • Use GUI to fix errors as usual
  • Export data/create report

The only change is that two steps are inserted before the normal recognize step. The first is the recognize --identify command, and the second the reorder command which correctly reorders the data.